Day Twenty Nine Postion 06 51'18"N 067 50'54"E - 1450 Local Time (GMT +400) SOG 8.1knts

Professional Skipper
Fri 21 Sep 2007 10:54
Day 29 we are currently about 373nms off Males, we have the last couple of days had a lack of wind which was forecast, this meant that we had to run one of the engines at night just to keep the mileage ticking down. However we are now moving along quite well and expect to be in Males in the next two days. All is well on the boat apart from the water supply being a little low but it should see us through to Males, we also have about 80 litres of drinking water in reserve so there is no need worry in that respect it just the washing that is going by the way side. We are intending to stay in Males 2 or 3 days and then we will be off to Langkawai and Indonesia, finally it seems like we are getting closer to Australia.
The Next update will probably be when we leave Males. Mark