Scottish Weather - Pasman Soline
43:55.529N 15:21.595E Just forgot yesterday to report -Dawn is into sculpture building ! We woke up to rain – 20 ktn of wind – so nothing to rush out of our bunks – take it easy ! Around 11h we casted off to go to Pasman – a 15nm trip . The weather still grey in grey, no wind to sail, Oil skins on ,a little rain, mist – the Adams felt like home .Lunch underway as always yummy ! In Soline we picked up a buoy, tomorrow the sun should be back. We looked at Landin and Zincena first, but preferred Soline. A Regatta und spinnaker sailed by, while we were pre celebrating Ann’s birthday with a bottle of “Yellow Speed”. Just before dinner the collector of the mooring fee told us it would be better to move to the other side of the bay, because of the upcoming wind. Wind from the NE as we knew, but Chris& I thought the spot we picked would be better, but we trusted the local knowledge and moved in the dark, where we joined another boat, which was already there. So we will see, if made the right choice – the weather forecast looks ok. The report will follow tomorrow.