39 58 800N 03 49 900E

3/8/13 Arrived in Menorca after a lovely overnight sail, initially we headed for Cuidadela and after anchoring at about 5.30am and turning in for a bit of a kip, we were rudely awoken at 6am by a pilot boat informing us we couldn’t stay as they had a tanker coming in and they continued down the line of boats sounding their horn as they went, moving everyone on. Well, if the anchor chain dropping didn’t wake Mum, the horn and the anchor coming back up certainly did, and she joined us on deck weary eyed and together we tried to find another anchorage. We nosed in to a couple of places but decided that they were too small for us, and eventually opted for Cala Santandria about a mile south. This was beautiful, and copying the existing occupiers, we took a line ashore and tied it to the rocks to avoid swinging in a small anchorage. Plenty of swimming in the clear waters and our tiredness was soon forgotton! Jez fixed the outboard motor, yippee, and took us ashore for provisions. Cala Santandria was very busy but with a lovely sandy cove, rocks, sun and such clear water you cannot blame people for coming here. We had a very enjoyable day here, and as the wind picked up late afternoon we decided to take advantage and sail around the north of the island. Strange things happened as we rounded the North West corner of the Island, the wind went right around the compass, more than once, which kept us on our toes –then suddenly nothing. Flat calm and no wind, but in the distance we could see white horses and boats heeled over so we knew something was coming our way! And sure it did, from nothing to 15 knots on the nose with a sea to match, so donk on reluctantly and we motored to find an anchorage to give us shelter. We arrived at Cala Fontanelles which is part of a large inlet with three or so smaller cala’s inside. Lots of boats doing the same as us, but lots of space luckily to anchor, and complete calm inside. More swimming of course to cool off, it’s such a hard life!!:) |