In Aasiaat

In Travemunde until May 2020
Nick Pochin
Sat 26 Jul 2014 16:49
position 68:43N 052:53W
We set off from Sisimuit on Wednesday going North 57 n miles to an anchorage in Kong Frederik Island in a wide bay called Maltigianguit. Went ashore for a long walk where we came across a huge Riendeer (frightened the life out of us). tried our hand at fishing but no such luck. the weather is good with sunshine and clear blue skies -no wind no fog no ice long may it last! On Thursday we went a further 37 n miles to the village of Attu.This was Greenland as I had imagined it to be. A wonderful bay the site of a small fishing and hunting village with many multi coloured tin houses winding through a hilly path. We wandered through and were asked to join a couple of locals into their home. As we arrived they were hanging fish out to dry we were invited in to sample the fish and have a coffee. they were so nice and just wanted to talk.We didn't understand a word they said but got on great with sign language. They and their home were lovely and they made us feel quite humble.They had nothing but needed nothing enjoying their life and each other. Julie was presented with a simple friendship bracelet and some fish and we waved them goodbye after big cuddles and the only words she knew "I love you". Another peaceful night and woke to the sun shining (which had never set)And on to Aasiaat a longer trip of 55 n miles where we travelled through what is called the inner lead route winding between the small islands sometimes narrow and shallow. We saw a lot of big Icebergs quite spectacular and not to be argued with. The route was like sailing around the fjiords of  Norway or Sweden. Sadly the fog decended and with no radar we had to keep a sharp eye out. Arriving in Aasiaat we tied up alongside a rusty old barge just a ioo metres from the Seaman's Home where there is wifi, food, showers and toilets and indeed where we were having the Radar scanner delivered! The Fedex trackker said it would arrive on Monday. We did think of sailing across to Godhab on the Island of Disco but woke up on Saturday to thick fog and that put paid to that. Instead we went off to the Pisifik supermarket to stock up. Very expensive particularly booze. maybe we go teetotal! No wee'l make do with Chateau Cardboard!