arrival in Ushuaia

In Travemunde until May 2020
Nick Pochin
Fri 30 Jan 2009 02:16
position 54:48.71S 68:18.06.W.
Having downloaded the weather at 6hr intervals for five days and updated for two days we decided there was a window of weather which would allow us to sail directly to Ushuaia if we left Stanley at 0300hrs on Tuesday.and arrived late Thursday. Any delay would mean some serious weather early Friday.(like 50 knots Westerly!) We had a good passage to theEstrecho de la Maire with 18hrs of force eight on the beam making for a good sail and on time we approached the straits at 0300 hrs on Thursday and as predicted the wind dropped to 3 knots and the tide and current would sluice us through.At this moment we got a diesel blockage cutting the engine and being blown onto a treacherous lee shore. The current was on shore. We managed to switch to another tank and restarted the Engine. We came through the strait at 10 knots and had to take avoiding action as an 900ft Olympic tanker felt he had right of way!! Rounding Pta Blanca in Tierra Del Fuego we rounded the Point and headed for The Beagle Channel. From nowhere the wind got up to 30 knots turned through 180 degrees then died to nothing.The remainder of the journey was uneventful save only passing through two squalls where the wind got up to 45 knots with poor visibility in driving rain and poor visibility!! The Chilean Armada greeted us as did the Prefectura of Argentina and we arrived in Ushuaia at 2300 hrs. 8500nm I didn't think we would make it but i'm glad we did!
Wszystko powyzej to oczywiscie bajki :-) i wybujala wyobraznia naszego Slawnego Autora ;-). Poza tym widoki w kanale Beagla - przepiekne! Osniezone szczyty gor, jezyki lodowca schodzace do Morza i mnostwo ptactwa :-). Cudnie! Az trudno uwierzyc, ze naprawde tu dotarlismy. O takich miejscach to tylko w ksiazkach;-)...........
Czekam na Ciebie na Koncu Swiata, Macius;-).....
Este ultimo trecho da viagem foi otimo, saimos das Ilhas Falklands com uma boa previsao de tempo para seguirmos direto para Ushuaia. A viagem foi tranquila, tempo bom e ventos variando de fracos a moderados/fortes mas normalmente a nosso favor. Entramos no canal de Beagle e uma tempestade rapida de 45 nos. Chegamos em Ushuaia as 23:00 com vento fraco e dentro de nossa previsao. tudo perfeito. Enfim, Ushuaia!