Happy New Year from Antigua

Sun 3 Jan 2016 13:21
Happy new year everyone from a windy and wet day here in Antigua. We are
still at anchor in Falmouth Harbour and are coming out of the water on Tuesday
to have the rudder bearings and steering wires fixed. Hope to be out for no more
than 4 days, we will see ! Plan is then to make our way slowly up towards the
B.V.I stopping at Barbuda, St. Martin and Anguilla on the way up. We have Sue
Atkins from Southampton Sailing Club joining us for a couple of weeks in the sun
sometime soon and hopefully Adrian Orman when his back is better ! Otherwise
life is good and very relaxed. We hope to start geocaching again soon. Have met
up with some friends we havn’t seen for 15 years and regularly meet Helen and
Ian Brayley at the Tot Club. Keep in touch everyone ! blackdog {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com More soon.
C & C |