Departing Porto Santo

Mon 5 Oct 2015 19:29
Please excuse the long gap in postings. WIFI here in Porto Santo is very
slow and it is a long walk to the marina bar to get it ! Hopefully you have been
following our exploits on facebook. We have had a great time in Porto Santo.
Have been quad biking all over the Island and up all the montains on some
very rough tracks ! Enjoyed swimming off the lovely beach and cycled into town a
number of times. It hasn’t all been r & r however. We have started replacing
some of the plugs in the teak deck. Probably around 300 to do and we have done
about 30 so far ! A long job but at least the weather is perfect for doing it.
Will probably be too hot in the middle of the day in the Caribbean.
We have had very strong south westerly winds for the past 48 hours which
are due to abate tonight (Monday) so the plan is to set off tomorrow for the
short 30 mile trip down to Madeira. We intend spending 3 or 4 days there then
onward to The Canaries.
Got to work out how to put pics. on this blog !
Until next time.
C & C |