A Big catch up - Been remiss!!
Port Louis So on 15/8/01 from Crouesty we had an uneventful sail to Port Louis. Uneventful that is except for the last part. This yacht has no abilty to steer at low speed so it it has a device called a bow thruster (Barry)which ejects water at high speed from the appropriate side of the boat to enable it to turn. So. I was lining up to come alongside another boat, in a very confined space, when a short blast of Barry was required. Alas Barry was nowhere to be seen or heard! So a quick blast of reverse at least stopped us hitting the expensive boat we were heading for. Now we were dead in the water, 50 feet of boat in a 55 foot corridor with expensive boats in front and behind. Some miracle of wind and tide magically turned us towards the corridor exit and we high-tailed it out, pretending. of course, that it was all planned.... We finally moored at the end of a pontoon , with the help of some friendly French sailors. I went below to remonstrate with Barry but to no avail. The next day I managed to persuade a technician to come and have a look, which is some feat in France in August! Anyway after quite a lot of fiddling about he found a blown fuse hidden away in the bowels of the boat which was stopping Barry's battery from charging. He's feeling much better now.... The strangest thing we saw was a woman buttering individual chips before eating them. I mentioned to her that I had never seen this before and she informed me that it is a Breton habit. Who am I to argue? Had a lovely few days here, now off to Camaret via a couple of over night anchorages. Camaret We set off for camaret via two overnight anchorages 0n 19/8 2021 - Porte La Foret and St Evette. Lovely peaceful nights! We arrived in Camaret on 23/8/2021. Not much to say really except we had un uneventful sail up the much feared Raz de Seine. Cameret is another really lovely Breton port which we found hard to leave... L'Aberwrac'h We set sail for L'Aberwrac'h on 23/8/2021. We had another stretch of difficult water to Navigate - The chanel Du Four. Tides nip up and down this chanelat around 4 knots. So in a boat which travels through the water at around 6 knots you either hurtle towards your destination at 10 knots or crawl towards it at two knots. Tide timing is everthing! Mr and Mrs two maths degrees got the calculation slightly wrong and ended up doing two/three knots for the first hour or two! Tricky things time zones. Anyway we arrived here just as the wind was getting up and moored perfectly with the help of a friendly fellow sailor and a perfectly behaved Barry. Strong winds are forcast for the next few days, so there is some discussion regarding the route and timing for the last section home. Watch this space. L'Aberacht'h means "Valley of the Fairies" in Breton, a language related to the Celtic languages of Wales and Ireland. Its a lovely place but very small. |