8th December 21st Day at Sea
Pete and Chris
Tue 8 Dec 2015 13:02
12:00 - 7 Dec 2015
Distance run today: 153 miles
Total distance run: 2908 miles
Distance to go : 189 miles
Old Bligh has finally caught a fish! Of course there is a world of difference between catching a fish and actually landing it. Events were as follows;
Yesterday afternoon, I spotted what appeared to be fishy activity on his line, and conveyed this to himself. I've never seen him so excited. He leaped to the stern with his usual grace and fluidity of movement, i.e. that of an elephant on iceskates, and starts to reel in frantically. After a few moments it is clear that he has caught a Mahi Mahi. In my mind the garlic butter sauce is already being created.
Of course it all had to go wrong, and inevitably it did. He suddenly starts having a very heated argument with himself. Given the language he was using, it's a good job we are still in mid Atlantic! To my horror, during this contretemps the fish escapes. I must admit to being less than amused at this turn of events. Bligh tells me that as he was about to land what had already become a monster fish in his mind, he was accosted by our chap from the ministry of Ag and Fish. During the quota talks says Chap to Bligh, the ministry reduced our quota of Mahi Mahi somewhat in return for some unspecified concessions to do with tractor parts manufacturing in Wolverhampton. When pushed it transpires that our quota is zero. Ahh well curry again.
His Blighness then starts ranting on about the EU, the Common Agricultural Policy, and all the usual popular myths (no straight bananas etc) disseminated by the daily Mail reading sections of the public. I say to him "rules is rules" which causes him to go a very odd colour indeed.
Worryingly, another person has joined the honourable captain's imaginary entourage; viz Clive from accounts. Apparently as a result of a very poor catch in terms of fish on this trip, expenses are going to need to be examined. I am no fool. "Examined" is finance speak for cutting wages and conditions of the poorly paid, aka me. No doubt finance will not be looking at all the extra layers of management taking on by Bligh (Spock et al). I feel there is going to be trouble!
We are two main meals away from Martinique, and we have two curries left. Smart hey?
Today's dinner will be: See above.