5th December 18th Day at sea
Pete and Chris
Sat 5 Dec 2015 12:02
12:00 - 05 Dec 2015
Distance run today: 133 miles
Total distance run: 2447 miles
Distance to go : 612 miles
I think I need to start getting a bit worried about C Bligh. He announced this morning that since there are now so many people on the boat, and as I didn't seem to contribute anything as far as he could see, I would need to move out of the guest suite. Apparently he wants Cook and Spock in my cabin where he can "keep a weather eye on them". I just hope he doesn't have a moment of clarity and realizes that they are both me!
I am now sleeping in my guitar flight case in the store room. I am fairly confident the case will float if I need to make good my escape.
Had an appointment with min of Ag and Fish today during which I pointed out that other boats seem to be catching and eating fish. There was a horrified silence and then Min said " but Sir, these are foreign fish!!!"
Today's meal, in the absence of fish, foreign or otherwise, will be Lamb Stew