29th November 12th Day at sea

Pete and Chris
Sun 29 Nov 2015 12:13
12:00 - 29 Nov 2015
Distance run today: 169 miles
Total distance run: 1558 miles
Distance to go : 1387 miles
So, exciting day today; a record distance run in the lasr 24 hours, and the passing of the half way point! It's all down hill from here.....
Lovely day yesterday, sat in cockpit playing my guitar whilst C Bligh was sleeping. Apparently he's going to get his guitar out today, and we'll play something together. I think 1300 hundred miles away from the nearest land is probably just far enough away to avoid damaging anyone :)
We will have a celebration meal today, and despite protests it will not be curry.
Today's meal will be Lamb Cooked in Rose Wine with Herbs Provencal. I know it should be red wine, but old scrooge has hidden it all. (He says it's to good to drink ?!!?)