2nd December 15th Day at sea

Pete and Chris
Wed 2 Dec 2015 12:29
12:00 - 02 Dec 2015
Distance run today: 158 miles
Total distance run: 1977 miles
Distance to go : 1023 miles
Firstly, you may wonder why we have gone backwards since yesterday. Yours truly failed to input a 6 digit number correctly. I think I am even more tired than I think I am..er...
Still a record run with spinnaker up! the wind started to build so we took it down for the night and it's back in it's bag for the moment. Needless to say I would have put the bugger up again this morning , but poor old C Bligh is starting to feel the pain, and wants a quieter day. I guess this happens when you sail with someone who is about to draw his pension.
Min of Ag and Fish are back from their EU quota summit, complete with a new fishing weapon. "Quietly confident" is the phrase being bandied about .
Today's meal will be: Filet of Fish with Lemon and Parsley Sauce other wise known as Beef Vindaloo