Biscuit Circuit Day 13

Pete and Chris
Sun 19 Jun 2016 14:56
Seem to have got a bit mixed up with days....lost one somewhere....eeek, hope we didn't sink!!
Blissful anchorage turned into bouncy sleepless night and failure of the up-anchor-switch this morning. Hauling the anchor up by hand as nautical friends will know is f•••ing difficult, especially when it's nearly up and some silly mut (go on, guess who) puts the boat into reverse by mistake and down goes the chain again. The air went blue. 😩😩😩
Motored (only 3 knot wind) to Gijon to try and fix it. Busy day at sea. Passed 5 yachts and 3 small fishing boats in 8 hours 😎😎 and yes the sun shone at last. Will probably stay 3 nights here. It sounds a nice place and the food can't possibly be as bad as in Ribadeo 😀