27th November 10th Day at sea
Pete and Chris
Fri 27 Nov 2015 11:57
12:00 - 27 Nov 2015
Distance run today: 138 miles
Total distance run: 1270 miles
Distance to go : 1642 miles
A tactical error yesterday evening stopped us having a record breaking 24 hours. grrrrrrr
The wind dropped and it no longer seemed sensible to carry on sailing downwind in what rapidly was becoming very inefficient. We decided to go for a broad reach, which meant disassembling most of our lovingly constructed pole erection.This turned out not to be such a good idea, as we started making less ground towards our destination. We realised this by the middle of the night, but we were too tired to make the right decision, or indeed any decision, about what to do. We just left it until morning.
Neither of us are too good at making the sort of mistakes, which with a little effort and thought can be avoided. This was clearly one of those mistakes, so there was a bit of an atmosphere for a while.
Anyway, all is well again now. We figured it all out this morning after a few hours sleep and a zooming along again. Hopefully we will regain our position in the pack in the next day or so.
Today's meal will be" Filet de beauf avec pommes sautee, sauce moutard et champignons". Only kidding it's curry....