25th November 8th Day at sea
Pete and Chris
Wed 25 Nov 2015 11:54
12:00 - 25 Nov 2015
Distance run today: 149 miles
Total distance run: 990 miles
Not a bad distance run, considering all hell broke loose last night! Wind started gusting to 50 knots with some nine meter waves, which was making it difficult to sleep; the autopilot bodge fix from a few days ago finally gave up the ghost. We have both had virtually no sleep over the last day so I'm too tired to drone on you'll be pleased to hear. Suffice to say that after a lot of swearing and crawling about in the innards of the boat we have managed to wire in the spare and are now surfing along again.
I think we are both so tired that nothing will keep us awake now...
Today's meal will be er... Chicken Curry a la Pete