Day 23 July 18th 2017 Piriac-sur-mer
Pete and Chris
Wed 19 Jul 2017 08:42
Bit of a dramatic night at anchor on Houat with strong wind, dragging anchors, colliding boats, much shouting and flashing of big torches!! Some sleep was had eventually and we woke to thunder and lightning. We scarpered!
Headed for Piriac-sur-mer where incompetent harbour man + stupid English man in huge fuck-off motor boat combined to cause Mukti a horrid long scratch along the right side. Ooop sorry Cap'n, starboard. Other than that and the fact that it's raining Piriac's ok but not the "absolutely delightful" town we were led to expect......AND it's full of overweight grockles.......yes, the French have them too.
Grumpy GS