4th December 17th Day at sea
Pete and Chris
Fri 4 Dec 2015 12:11
12:00 - 04 Dec 2015
Distance run today: 134 miles
Total distance run: 2219 miles
Distance to go : 745 miles
Bligh appeared from his presidential suit this morning, and instead of announcing porridge and tea will be served comme d'hab, whispers that he wants to talk with me. I am not good in the morning before my breakfast, so already I think we are going to have a bad day. I am right....
"That cook" he whispers conspiratorially "He's not to be trusted"
Me: "What?"
Him: "He's up to something"
Me: "What?"
Him: "I think Spock may be involved"
Me: "What?"
Him: "I think they sabotaged the generator"
Me: "What? Why don't you make us a nice bowl of porridge and things will look a lot brighter"
I think I will start locking the cupboard I sleep in, which he describes as a the guest suite, very firmly indeed at night.
Anyway, the generator. I have examined it carefully and with the benefit of many years of technical experience, I have declared it buggered. Technically speaking. So we are now relying on the engine to charge the battery bank. This is not good as it uses twice as much fuel and cannot charge the batteries at the same rate.
We are convinced that there is at least one duff battery in the bank, which is severely impeding the performance of the others. We are going to try to identify the duff one today. It is a tad risky and will certainly take some time. Still neither of us was planning on going anywhere today.
Today's dinner will be anything we can cobble together after a trip to battery land.