1st December 14th Day at sea
Pete and Chris
Tue 1 Dec 2015 11:44
12:00 - 01 Dec 2015
Distance run today: 148 miles
Total distance run: 1819 miles
Distance to go : 1148 miles
Not a bad day's run given the lightness of the wind for the first 12 hours or so. The Spinnaker is now working really well, and now with some decent wind we are making around 7 knots towards Martinique.
We still have an issue with our battery bank. At least one of the five batteries is duff and is dragging the others down. we are having to run the generator for around 7 - 8 hours a day which is not right. We are loath to do what needs to be done, i.e. isolate one battery at a time until the duff one is identified (worried about making matters worse.) We have decided to wait and do nothing unless the situation worsens. We have enough fuel.
Min of Ag and Fish is now in consultation with the EU regarding quotas, or so they tell me.
Today's meal will be, er, Lamb Stew. Oh for a lovely fresh crab, some crispy lettuce and a chilled glass of wine..