28th November 11th Day at sea
Pete and Chris
Sat 28 Nov 2015 12:08
12:00 - 28 Nov 2015
Distance run today: 149 miles
Total distance run: 1419 miles
Distance to go : 1510 miles
149 miles in 24 hours the best yet! I can't see that being matched for a while as the wind has dropped considerably and is forecast to stay light for the next few days.
Our electronics threw a fit in the night, causing us to complete a full circle and lose control of the boat. I was on watch and rushed down to the computer help desk. You'll never guess what their solution was. Yep. you got it, "lets turn everything on and off again" said the off watch tech guru.
Needless to say this worked and electronics are fine now. Unfortunately the confusion during the computer fit caused the boat to go round in a circle and catch Captain Bligh's fishing line. The more cynical amongst us might say this is no great loss. Despite fish literally throwing themselves onto our deck, old John West has failed to get even a nibble on his expensive tackle
Not much more to say. It's 30 degrees, sunny, and we are sailing along nicely, life could be worse on the whole. I'm sure we'll pay for this at some point over the next week or so.
Today's meal will be Beauf au Ble avec Pommes de Terre, Harico blanc, et Poivrones rouge avec les Epices. The uncultured might know this culinary delight as Corned Beef Hash