3rd December 16th Day at sea
Pete and Chris
Thu 3 Dec 2015 12:25
12:00 - 03 Dec 2015
Distance run today: 144 miles
Total distance run: 2134 miles
Distance to go : 879 miles
Loads of wind - 20 - 25 knots so another good 24 hour run.
This morning, C bligh came out of the master suite fully refreshed after a good night's sleep at 08:00 local. As usual he announces "Morning cabin boy, all well"? Followed by (as usual) "tea and porridge?". We have tea and porridge and continue our spinnaker discussion, of which more later. By then it's around 09:00 and his skipperness says " well we crossed 45 degrees west last night, cabin boy move the local clocks back one hour!" I do this, although words will need to be had about the cabin boy malarky.
Now here's the slightly disturbing thing: C Bligh then exclaims "Blimey 08:00; Tea and porridge?" I'm not sure the old fellah has quite come to terms with this time business....
So we continued the spinnaker conversation. It seems old Bligh has switched positions again from Idsa Rayce to Idsa Noda Rayce. Anyway I want the thing flying he wants it in the bag. Let's compromise he says. Great I say, thinking progress has been made. "We'll leave it in the bag" he says. This is a new definition of the word compromise I haven't previously come across!!!! He then starts going on about the loneliness of command, most of which I missed as a result of being asleep.
Min of Ag and Fish says I have misunderstood the context of the word optimistic in terms of fishing. I thought they were optimistic that a fish would be caught. Apparently they were optimistic around learning whether their secret fish weapon would work. Their pilot, they say, was an unbridled success in that they proved conclusively that the new weapon doesn't work. I await further announcements with some trepidation.
Today's meal will be: An unlabelled frozen bag of stuff I mad in the Canaries. Management seem fairly sure it will be curry. I can't think why.