Biscay Circuit Day 4

Pete and Chris
Sat 11 Jun 2016 17:03
18:00- 11 Jun 2016
Log from Pete
So, finally we are off! We left at 12:30 today. The idea is to head out west(ish) until we get to a position directly north of A Coruna and then head south.
Why are you doing two sides of a triangle I hear the mathematicians out there cry! Well, the reason that Biscay has such a fearsome reputation is that the sea shallows rapidly as you get near to the east coast of the bay. So any waves coming from the west grow rapidly in size as the sea shallows. So, it makes sense to get as far out as possible before starting to cross. Of course the downside of this is that we are much further from land if things do go wrong. We don't think about that though...
The first law of sailing is in force which is " The wind will usually be coming from were you want to go". So we are motoring not sailing.