19th November Day Two at Sea

Pete and Chris
Thu 19 Nov 2015 13:11
1130 - 19 Nov 2015
Distance run today: 143 miles
Total distance run: 143 miles
All is well.
Sea moderate; no clouds; blue sky; 25 Deg C;
So finally we are off. Its already turning into a sea borne version of the odd couple. Underneath the grimbling though we rub along OK, except when he steals and then loses my spectacles. See http://blog.mailasail.com/sventerprise for Captain Bligh's side of the story.
I cooked a load of meals and stuck them in the freezer in the days before departure.I'm not sure how it happened, but they all appear to be curry! Unfortunately Uncle Ben, AKA Russ, likes curry as well, so I'm having to share...
Russ has started his campaign to lose weight by consuming a family pack of Dorritos when he thought I was asleep :)