Tahiti arrival

David Hersey
Sat 13 Jun 2009 01:31

17:32.413 S  149:34.251 W


12/6/09   00:00

Wind WSW Force 4.  Beautiful clear night. No squalls. Still  making  very good time.




We entered   Papeete Harbour at 10:00. We had a 201 mile run from 08:00 to 08:00, and sailed all the way, logging 405 miles in 50 hours.. The check in paper work was a breeze, we are still in their system from last year.


I have an appointment tomorrow with the Coffee Machine people.


I enclose the last sunset and sunrise of this leg; also a sequence from that great beamlight in the sky which I at least found amusing..


This blog will probably go sporadic for a bit.   Demetri comes later this month and Ellen and Demetra in July.  We will do a few boat jobs---there are always a few at do—and maybe go to Moorea in a week or so. To escape from the noise of Papeete.





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