51:44.466 S 072:30.289 W

David Hersey
Sat 15 Mar 2008 23:07

15/3/08 9:15 AM


We’ve just upped anchor and are motoring off into a ghost fjord.  There was no wind last night and a heavy mist is everywhere early this morning.  Very spooky.



As the morning progressed the sun burned off the mist and cloud and we had a wonderful day.  Since arriving in Puerto Natales at 16:00 we’ve taken on 9540 litres of diesel, started the new permit paperwork, done a mega shopping, but we still need fresh fruit and veg and meat.  They don’t really want us here on the fishermen’s wharf and we may have to go to anchor tomorrow. Anyway there hasn’t been time to sort out any photos today.  Will try to do something tomorrow.