25:37.978 S
125:15.222 W
14/6/08 23:30
Still sailing gently. No sunset tonight. No moon either. Lots of
Wind remains NNE Force 4.
14/6/08 08:00
The wind died at 04:00
and we started motoring. Dawn began
as a pale yellow affair mostly obscured by broken cloud on the horizon. It developed over a 20 minute period
into a pretty outrageous psychedelic light show. The hoped for dawn wind has yet to
Surprise surprise, it’s clouded
over. We have however been sailing
since I went off watch at 9:00. The wind is North Force 4 and we’re on
course. Yesterday’s run was 151 miles, motoring for under 5 hours. Obviously
we’d be doing better with a main sail. Pitcairn is another 265 so we should be
in Tuesday AM.