54:48.808 S 068:18.367W

David Hersey
Sun 2 Mar 2008 22:39
2/3/08 19:00

We were followed into Puerto Williams by Grande Blue again, maybe on the way
South as they didn’t turn up in Ushuaia. We arrived back in Ushuaia on
Friday. Last Night the Crew really celebrated being back, Puerto Williams
was just a warm up. When I got up at 4AM to turn off the generator I was
alone. When I got up again at 8, Steve was sleeping soundly fully clothed
and sitting up in the saloon. We’ve run into our French friend Serge who
must be held entirely responsible for the crew’s behaviour. They all
appeared late morning not looking too worse for wear. It’s been a Sunny
day with little or no wind.

We’ve been busy with domestic chores. The washing machine hardly stops.
The boat’s been cleaned properly for the first time in a while. We took on
1400 litres of fuel yesterday and will take another 600 Monday. It comes
in 200 litre drums. The heating systems are sorted again; it was a
question of resetting the controllers (the usual RTFM). We’ve had another
go at waterproofing the spray hood and all the stuff we left in storage is
now back on the boat.

Paulo leaves for Venice tomorrow and we’ll do a major provisioning and
leave for Puerto Williams again on Tuesday morning. We have to get a
special permit sorted with the Chilean Armada in order to do the trip to

I enclose the helicopter photos sent to us by the British Navy pilot.
They’re not as good as I’d hoped but better than nothing. Too bad we
didn’t have time to set the rig to look like we were actually under sail.

Just spent over an hour trying to send the photos from this hopeless
yacht club connection. Will try tomorrow from a different connection.