Farewell Fiji

David Hersey
Tue 20 Oct 2009 22:06
21/10/09 Momi Bay
Yesterday we went to Lautoka to check in and check out. I had already prepared the 2 x 5 page forms in triplicate. I got to the customs office at 1:50 and was asked top wait until 2:00. At 2:10 they all strolled back from lunch and I was nearly out of there in 20 minutes except that the immigration lady had gone to Suva and locked away the passport stamps. They sent another lady from town but she forgot to bring her stamps-- eventually someone did bring the stamps and it only took an hour start to finish.
We anchored last night here in Momi Bay and are poised to begin the 670 mile passage to New Caledonia later this morning. It should take about 4 days and we should have reasonable South Easterlies which will put the wind behind the beam.
I am cut off from the internet here but hopefully after we’ve put to sea I’ll be able to send this.
The Sat Com only seems to work if we are clear of land and pointing sort of North.