Catching up - Hurricane Matthew

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Tue 6 Dec 2016 16:54
“We’ll post some pics when we have a moment”. Well that was back in October
when we wrote that in the last blog. We’ve been seriously short of “moments’
since. Or at least the right moments when we’ve felt like sitting down and
grinding away at the keyboard after having cleaned up at the end of another day
of dealing with issues and repairs. So we’ll try something now and see how far
we get.
Matthew accounted for two boats ‘blown over’ in Westlands yard, Titusville.
It could have been far worse had the Cat 3 hurricane not eased away from the
coast in the final hours. One of the locals informed us that the hurricanes
don’t come ashore here as there is an Indian burial ground out on Merritt Island
to the east of us and the spirits keep the storms away. That’s really kind of
them to say the least and if there was a ‘spirit donation box’ sited anywhere in
town then we’d certainly be dropping some coins into the collection. But then
one couldn’t help wondering given that the entire east coast of the USA was
populated by native American peoples, First Nation or whatever they are called
politically these day (certainly not Red Indians that’s for sure) that there
must have been burial grounds the length and breadth of the country. That
doesn’t seem to stop other storms from crashing into various locations along the
east coast so the myth is not to be relied on we feel. Maybe we have a some
seriously strong spirits in this area and not just the various brands that
emanate from the ABC Liqueur Store!
Well, regardless, here are some pics.....
![]() ![]() Well, our cockpit was a mess of foliage from the park behind us and
one of our neighbours mizzen mast was not as upright as it should
![]() ![]() This small trailer sailer was blown off it’s wooden
perch..... However, walking the yard and we found much worse damage at the
far end.......
![]() ![]() This Moody caught a blast of wind just after the storm had cleared
and over it went.....
![]() ![]() .......with it’s mast taking out the rigs of the two boats
So maybe this cat wasn’t so unlucky after all.
All that remained for us to do on our own boat was clear all the storm
debris, and.......
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() .............evict a family of frogs from our dinghy using a bucket with a
long stick for encouragement. This process resulted in a pulled back muscle for
‘Skip’ when one of the rescued frogs leapt out of the bucket in panic ahead of
time. It clung to his bare leg causing him to jump high into the air (thus the
muscle strain) before disappearing into the undergrowth. The next one
wasn’t so lucky. With so much work to do and an injured ‘Skip’ the
‘Admiral’ took over. This one learnt to fly very quickly.