1200 on 22nd May 2009 In position 24:12.36N, 074:56.68W

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Fri 22 May 2009 17:48
All ok onboard. We are sailing along steadily with
a 25 knt breeze from just south of east with boisterous seas. We are now slowly
ticking off the various off lying islands of the Bahamas as we work our way
northwest towards Florida. Last night we spent some time dodging rain squalls
and the odd ship (Thank god for the AIS yet again).
This mornings drama is fish related. Skipper
finished his watch at 0600 and headed for bed as usual, but has been
putting the fishing line (squid lure) out with the instructions to bang on
the cabin top if we should be so fortunate to hook something. At 0800 that
something arrived in the shape of a large Dorado, one of nature's most
beautifully coloured and instantly identifiable offshore predators.This was
a female of around 14 + lbs (You can tell by the shape of the head - the male
has an almost square looking head, the female (naturally more good looking) has
a more rounded head. Either is good eating and are ferocious fighters when
hooked. When landed their bodies go through incredible colour
changes, bright yellows and greens, then just before death a most
vivid blue colour appears along its back.
Skip was duly awakened by frantic banging on the
cabin top with the cry 'quick, I cant hold it much longer'. Was I just dreaming
of my loved one up to no good behind my back. Of course not, she was
engaged in a struggle with our next four nights supper on the aft deck, and the
'supper' wasn't much interested in joining us for supper. Add another player to
this titanic struggle - a very large seabird that was also sensing a meal in the
offing - our meal, and the scene at the back of the boat was pure drama. It
immediately turned into comedy playhouse as skipper had indeed come on deck as
quickly as possible - to the exclusion of any item of clothing whatsoever. Naked
as a Jaybird as the Ray Stevens song goes. The fish was now close to the
back steps and whether through resignation of a lost battle for shares in the
Dorado or shock at the recent addition to the fight of one naked skipper, the
bird broke off manoeuvres, but continued to circle - perhaps hoping for any
small morsels that might come its way - no not that type of morsel! Having now
landed a very angry Dorado, which was all of a metre long and stuffed it into
our plastic holding crate it jumped straight out and,
instinctively not wanting to give the fish back to the sea or the bird for
that matter, Skipper half threw and half stumbled towards the fish ending up
spread-eagled across the aft cabin roof. Nikki's attentions now turned
acutely to the lack of clothing and No.1 was told in no uncertain terms by
No.2 to go get your clothes on! The fish was shoved back into the plastic
crate which holds any fish until they expire or in this case whilst
Skip put some shorts and shoes on. The Dorado then thrashed out with its tail
and shattered the side of the box into dozens of pieces making an almost perfect
tail shaped slot in the process. Finally after another 10 minutes the fight
was over and shortly afterwards steaks and larger portions were being
cut up and bagged ready for cooking. The cockpit clean up took an hour and a
half with all the mess, but we look forward to our dinner tonight.