Can't stop scratching in Guanaja - revised edition

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Sun 29 Jan 2012 16:18
This blog was somehow hijacked by the spellchecker on the
original sending so has been amended with the correct names of places
We now sit in an anchorage in Guanaja (j pronounced as h), the
most easterly of the Bay Islands, waiting for a weather window to achieve a 150
mile passage in a direction of just south of east along the Honduras
coast before we can turn the corner to head southwards towards Panama.
We've been here for a few days now with easterly quadrant winds blowing between
15-25 knots depending on whether its day or night. The wind is strongest at
night and blowing from the south-east means that we also get walloped by the
fetch bending into the anchorage. The corner we need to
head to can be quite windy, and just to add more spice to the voyage
there is a vast area of shallow banks most of the way down the Nicaragua
coastline. Stop-offs along the way are few. The Vivarios and the Hobbies
reefs lie north east of the corner and provide a lee from the weather - a
remote Caribbean atoll. They are used by fisherman to rest up during the
day before heading out onto the banks again for their night fishing
activities. Further south, the islands of Providencia and San Andreas,
both Columbian holiday retreats, also provide some shelter from what can be
a tricky passage down to Panama.
![]() ![]() Guanaja ahoy! Approaching from the
Passing Bonacca - 200 acres 8000
So we wait. Our anchorage here is aptly named El Bight, as,
since our arrival, we have been continually attacked by No-see-ums or sand flies
to give them their other name. These little thugs of bugs, barely register
on human retinas and have a thirst for blood that makes the humble mosquito
seem like your best friend. Unlike mosquitoes these tiny insects feast all day
and all night long. Our bodies are now a mass of small welts that
continuously itch to such a degree that we could use some of those glove mitts
we used to wear as babies (well Skip did anyway) to avoid opening up
the infected areas. We are like two mutts with fleas, continually
scratching ourselves. We were warned about El Bight but the warning was to not
anchor close to shore especially in light winds. Well, we are a quarter mile
offshore which is why we are getting walloped by the south-easterly fetch and it
doesn't seem to have made any difference. We must have the long distance version
hitting on us, doodle-bugs! What's more, we are on our last few squirts of
insect spray and we think they know that. When that's gone we'll just throw the
empty can at them.
The notoriety of the bug population over many years has
meant that most of the islands native residents are crammed cheek by jowl
onto a 200 acre off-lying cay named Bonacca. This is one of the most unique
communities anywhere in the Caribbean, predominantly Garifuna with albino
derivatives in evidence. They exist in 2-3 story shacks with no
roads, just footpaths that average a few feet wide. There is no traffic.
However, in typical Honduras security style the only bank in the middle of
the island has three armed security guards permanently stationed
outside as any robbers would be extremely hard to chase in the maze of
alleyways criss-crossing the town. As well as the alleyways there are a couple
of narrow canals just wide enough to take a small launcha. With a convenient
tidal flow launchas are not the only objects that navigate the narrow
waterway as could be all too readily seen.
We encountered a local Garifuna man who was very helpful,
mentioning that our dinghy had been in imminent peril from 1) the arrival of the
fast ferry which was disgorging passengers on the dock we were attached to and
2) from some of the local youths. He then offered to take us on a tour of
Bonacca which to be honest we had just walked around in twenty minutes, but
we dutifully trouped along whilst he spoke of his memories of the island
community and his days as a merchant seaman visiting London. We asked what they
were delivering to the UK - rum of course - silly question. We asked his
name. People call me Stone he said. We wondered if on another day they called
him Scissors or perhaps Paper? Anyway, we made our excuses and
embarked on the long wet dinghy ride back to the boat whilst we still had a
dinghy and engine to get us there.
![]() ![]() Spill over from Bonacca to the main
Some scenes from Bonacca...........
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The prettiest spot on the island - the
flowers are nice
too Like
much of Bonacca - its over water built on concrete or wooden
![]() ![]() A delivery of Coca Cola in the narrow
This is all that remains of a nightclub
![]() ![]() The 'posh' end of Bonacca!
The fast ferry - our dinghy just ahead of it!
Relief is possibly in sight as there appears to be a strongish
cold front coming off the USA this weekend which seems to be forecast as being
stronger than originally predicted. That will re-shape the winds to blow
for a time from the north which may work for us to get those 150 miles
eastwards. But, if the forecast is wrong we could find ourselves facing strong
northeast winds before we get to the corner which for us will make things
difficult to keep going without well and truly shaking the boat (and
us) up. That would mean returning to the Bay Islands to check back in
having only just checked out. So we watch the situation carefully. Should this
opportunity fall by the wayside we will up sticks and head back to Roatan for
another proper re-stock, catch up with friends and wait for another
Meantime we enjoyed a fascinating evening ashore at the Manati
Restaurant last Sunday evening. It is owned by a German (Hans) and run by Claus
and Annette (Germans of the Bavarian variety). Claus had motorcycled all through
Central America many years back and had an article printed in a motorcycling
magazine which he proudly showed us a well-thumbed copy of. Every time someone
else walked into the bar they were German too!! We were surrounded by
Germans. We could have been in Munich! Well, the beer flowed and it turned into
a very unforgettable evening. The food wasn't bad either, cooked by
Claus. He just loves old British 60's and 70's rock music and played some
long forgotten tracks from Deep Purple in Rock. Such memories. Another
Hans joined us at the table - whom we called Hans '2'. He had arrived
by motorcycle on Guanaja many years back which had caused great
mirth amongst the locals seeing as Bonacca and the main island
itself did not have an inch of road to ride it on. Hans '2' hadn't
realised that but he sold the bike and stayed. How he copes with the bugs we can
only imagine!
![]() ![]() The pretty dock area of the Manati
Claus working the music selection behind the bar and Annette the
Finally we called this off lying rock Alcatraz although its a
small resort and yours for $1.7M
We have now returned to French Harbour, Roatan as the expected
weather window never materialised. The cold front never became a feature that
could be exploited and the trades were to resume after a brief