On our way at last...............

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Sun 11 Dec 2016 21:14
In Vero Beach 27:39.27N, 080:22.27W
We left Titusville just about a week ago. First night we spent at anchor
off Melbourne on the ICW then on to Vero Beach the next day arriving last
Saturday 3rd December.
On the last few miles into Vero our port engine raw water cooling pump shed
its drive pulley. We always have a spare pump waiting to be clamped onto the
engine especially on the ICW where maneuverability is paramount in the narrow
channels. That replacement pump now on the engine contains the last belt pulley
we have onboard for those pumps, a situation we are not comfortable with. Quite
why this happened is a mystery as the captive nut was tight but the whole centre
of the pulley itself was gone. New water pumps for these engines run at about
£450 + each but with two older stripped pumps shells containing no working
innards already in our spares locker we decided to try and locate components for
these rather than just buy yet another new pump. A company in Clearwater
on the Florida west coast had all the items required so for less than the cost
of a new pump so we can now rebuild those two old shells. Sod’s Law dictates
that we’ll have absolutely no more issues with water pumps this trip. If that’s
the case then that’s fine with us! We have two sets of friends also here in
Vero, both struggling to resolve boat issues before moving on. Nothing new
All we need now is some decent weather to get further south. The cold
fronts are getting stronger and more invasive into the Florida/Bahamas area
which is par for this time of year. What we could do without is the trough
that’s sitting over the area from which low pressure systems are developing
from. Troughs generally mean grey overcast and windy unsettled weather.
Not quite the sunny Florida conditions we like to enjoy.