1200 on 13/3/09 in position 16:47.68N, 026:27.52W

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Sat 14 Mar 2009 16:11
All well onboard. Departed Cape Verde yesterday
(12th) at 1500 heading for Barbados. Winds are light from NE. Caught another
Tuna - much bigger this time as Phil can testify as he had to fight it on the
rod. The rear deck looked like Sweeney Todd's cellar after it had been
'despatched'. So its Tuna steaks again for next few days. Last day or
so in Mindelo was spent getting more fruit and veg onboard from the local
market, being thrown out of a bank when trying to get some money! and
having to jerrycan 120 litres of diesel in the dinghy from a roadside
filling station next to the 'beach' which was not a pleasent experience for
a number of reasons which we wont go into. So it was good to get back out
to sea, even if we are making slow progress, although the favourable north
equatorial current is lstarting to lend a hand at approx 1 knot in our general
direction. Hopefully winds are due to pick up next Weds.