Heading South - well a few miles anyway 38:38.05N, 76:07.19W

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Fri 23 Oct 2009 19:41
Last day in Back Creek - Annapolis
We were in Annapolis for exactly one week. The cold
bad weather was replaced by sunshine on Monday when we were due to collect the
newly purchased Apex 9 inflatable - our 'transport' for getting to and from
shoreside. The hour dawned to take the old dinghy ashore ready to change the
outboard engine over to the newer dinghy which was to be delivered by the
supplier whilst taking our old faithful Zodiac away to be 'disposed of '. The
first obstacle to overcome was the outboard throwing a hissy fit
and refusing to work - perhaps having made some secret pact with it's
partner the Zodiac not to drive it anywhere in the direction of the
dinghy knackers yard. An hour and a half later and the engine was made to run,
albeit rather lumpy, and we headed off to Fourth Street dinghy dock to make
the exchange. An hour later and we bade a sad farewell to the Zodiac, which was
unceremoniously thrown onto the back of a pickup truck to be driven off into the
distance. It did look rather sad for itself and despite all its many patches -
and there were quite a few, it had stayed up long enough for its final
trip ashore. The new dinghy, although the same length has more internal volume,
has a higher bow to brush aside the lumpy Caribbean waves which the Zodiac used
to submarine through, soaking us every time. However, nothing is ever on a plate
as far as cruising is concerned and it took a day of modification to the new
dinghy transom and our onboard outboard bracket to get everything in harmony on
the back of Ajaya. We were almost ready to go.
![]() ![]() Skip checking all is well with the new
dinghy - note the fresh haircut received in the
UK .......off
he jolly well goes.....it does look small!
Having not seen one Canadian boat all summer
suddenly we were finally surrounded by them in Back Creek, Annapolis. They
poured in like an invasion, all heading south like us and all seemingly knowing
each other as they shout from boat to boat about their next days plans etc. Some
were French Canadian, some English speaking. Arriving en-masse on Tuesday they,
like us were gone Wednesday morning heading as fast as they could for the
Bahamas and points beyond. They brought their blooming geese with them as well -
the Chesapeake is now full of Canada Geese - flocks of the honking birds, both
on the wing and nestling in creeks swimming up and down in confusion for no real
apparent reason. In fact we are now making a study of these daft birds and are
also on a quest to achieve that perfect picture - a flock of Canada Geese flying
into the sunset. They are not terribly cooperative though and results to date
have not been at all impressive despite both of us grabbing the camera whenever
we hear the distinctive honking outside the boat. On the wing they are
hysterical - changing formation every few seconds - sometimes in a V shape,
other times in no formation at all. They don't seem to know where they are meant
to be going and often fly round in circles. But they are great fun to watch and
a real sign that winter is fast approaching in the Bay and that all sensible
people (and geese) should head for warmer climes.
![]() ![]() Early results for our 'Canada Geese on the
wing' photo
not a formation the Dambusters would have been proud
Leaving Annapolis we decided to head back towards
the Choptank River and spend the night in one of the many beautiful sheltered
anchorages to be found there. Wednesday dawned sunny if a little chilly with not
enough breeze to sail anywhere so we motored the 20 odd miles via Knapps Narrows
into Dun Cove. As we headed out of Annapolis the Navy Cadets were playing with
their small ships, practicing manoeuvring and sounding their various signals for
turning left and right. It was about that time that we noticed the rig was full
of wispy strands flying from every shroud and stay. Very odd. Then we started to
see loads of spiders running around the deck, presumably having 'parachuted in'
on these strands. Like the the arachnid version of Arnhem. So that's how they
get about! One actually had the audacity to bite Nikki's finger, although she
was about to throw it into the water so you couldn't blame it really. Clutching
her finger she was heard to exclaim - I didn't know spiders could bite!
(Skip murmered - 'Funnelwebs?' under his breath). We were finding these things
all day, although most ended up taking a long swim back to
![]() ![]() Tranquil
& autumn colours
Our night at Dun Cove was peaceful in beautiful
surroundings and with a head wind facing us if we were to head further south
towards Solomons Island we opted to actually sail further up the Choptank River
towards Cambridge. It was the first time we had set any sail since our return
from the UK and looked forward to a gentle 12 mile drift with the 8-10 knot
forecast wind just forward of the beam. As the mainsail was raised Nikki who was
standing on the aft deck supervising things was immediately showered with
sleepy beetles that had decided the stowed mainsail was a brilliant choice for a
winter home. Some were still clinging gamely to the mainsail as we set off up
the Choptank for our next anchorage La Trappe Creek into which we arrived mid
afternoon settling down to a fruit platter and cup of tea. And a sunset so
beautiful. What more could you ask for in this cruising life. Well,more warmth
![]() ![]() Sunset shots - but no geese obliging
(yet) !
As we write this missive - it's now pitch dark
outside, 1915 hours .... and the geese are still honking. Could be a noisy