Heading North and getting wet

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Sat 3 Aug 2013 22:15
In position 35:55.30N, 076:01.00W
Delayed departure from Oriental due to a very dismal August
1st but we shouldn't have worried too much as the last two afternoons have been
equally as wet and miserable with late afternoon thunderstorms in
each location we've found ourselves anchoring in. Now we know why we liked
it so much in Oriental! We were tied safely to a dock for two months and didn't
care about the weather very much!
We are now anchored at the mouth of the Alligator River just
inside the Little Alligator River which is shallow and full of crab pots. The
'mother' of all thunderstorms rattled through earlier with impressive forked
lightening and torrential rain as a very strong cold front moves off the coast.
We'll cross the Albermarle Sound tomorrow before the wind swings into the north
and onwards towards Norfolk - scratching our bug bites as we