In Solomans Island on the Patuxent River!! 38:19.88N, 076:27.57W

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Mon 10 Aug 2009 19:28
We made the 50 mile leap down from the Eastern Bay
yesterday whilst we had a favourable breeze which, whilst not great for sailing
at least sent the Chesapeake waves in the same direction that we were wanting to
go. We waited an extra day at Shaw Bay as the previous day had dawned wet &
miserable. A good opportunity to catch up with a few chores around the boat and
knock off a few chapters of the various books we were reading. Such a hard life!
The previous night had seen a cold front approach
from the west which insisted on passing through the Chesapeake in spectacular
fashion, with another thunder and lightening show for which we had free tickets.
Just a shame that the show started at 0300 so yet again it was out of bed
rushing round the boat throwing any portable electronics we could get hold of
into the microwave for protection. That achieved we went back to bed and watched
the lightening show which was almost continuous for an hour or so. I'm not sure
about Nikki but lying in bed with these storms passing over I do wonder just
what a lightening strike would be like onboard Ajaya, especially as we
sleep forward, and the mast is next to the main entrance aft Would we
be like some Afrika Corp Panther tank crew climbing out of tiny hatches with our
pants on fire after a direct hit from one of Monty's finest. Only in our
case we would have to dive into the surrounding water which is teeming
with jelly fish at this time of the year - not a danger Rommel's crack
Panzer Division faced in the African desert. But it still leaves me wondering.
The other stupid thought that passed through my mind was that this
particular anchorage we were floating in 20 ft of water. Usually we have
about 2 ft under the keel which would make for a gentle landing onto the
muddy bottom should the unthinkable happen and us sitting on the
coachroof casually awaiting rescue. Here we would actually sink! and be left
clinging to the mast. Worse still, the nearest boat to us this particular
evening had about 12 hyperactive teenagers onboard, so I mentally decided I
would go down with the ship on this particular occasion. But in any case we were
spared the worst of the storm so my crazy thoughts were all in vain after
The trip down the Chesapeake was uneventful.
Nothing onboard broke which made a change from recent events but we did end up
motoring all the way. At least the batteries had a good charge and we arrived in
Solomons Island late afternoon, anchored outside the Maritime museum and
immediately looked for the nearest wifi link-up to check for messages. Oh! how
cruising has changed. Also, having not had access to a washing machine since
leaving Herrington Harbour has meant that our pile of laundry has become
dangerous to be around so we have checked into the Spring Cove Marina just 100
yards away to make use of their Laundromat facility. After all we have been
using their free wifi out in the anchorage since we arrived so at least we are
giving them something back. There is also a swimming pool there with,
apparently, underwater speakers. I'm not sure how long I can hold my breath to
listen to the piped music but its got to be better than swimming in
a bay full of jellyfish.
(Nikki): Washing - now there is a problem.
Hand washing in this humidity is a no no - it doesn't dry - just goes
mouldy especially when there is no wind. Dirty washing also goes mouldy in
storage waiting to be washed even if it is dried first! Have read many books
& listened to advice to no avail. The only answer seems to be laundrettes
where everything is tumble dried & consequently shrinks! Plus this often
means a stop in a marina where we can't plug in anyway (110v V 220v) &
take advantage of all the amenities we are paying for. We actually prefer to
anchor off! Any good ideas or solutions from seasoned cruisers in the
tropics or this side of the world would be appreciated - mailasail
blog followers know how to e-mail us!!! We do not have air con -
just melt on a daily basis from 9.00 am to 21.00 pm!!
The adjacent Patuxent River has a lot of history to
relate of. It's the next river north from the Potomac in the Chesapeake on the
western side. Our stroll along the river front this morning had us reading the
various information plaques on the boardwalk and once again us evil Brits were
causing trouble back in 1812 by harassing the locals in their boats and making a
thorough nuisance of ourselves. We then brought in reinforcements from
Bermuda to make matters worse, the locals retreated and then scuttled all their
boats further upriver. The river was also home, in the between war years, to a
ghost fleet of captured German battleships from WW1 which were moored on the
Patuxent River for many years. Today the US Air
Force has their base on the opposite bank of the River to Solomon's and daily we
are graced with the roar of jet engines at full throttle taking off at
impossible climb angles into the surrounding skies on training flights. It's
also a training school for test pilots some of which go on into
astronaut training. Over the weekend another familiar noise was evident.
The sound of many Harley Davidsons roaring through Solomons Island. Just
about every variety of HD seemed to pass us as we walked through the small
community. Most riders being of a more senior status no doubt enjoying the
Harley revival that seems to have caught on in a major fashion over here. In
fact we seem to see more of these than any other make of bike - perhaps they are
just more noticeable because of the noise they make. Loads of lady riders as
well - what would the hells angels chapters have made of that all those years
So we have the hottest day of the year so far and
its all we can do to put one leg in front of the other. Our dear friends are
questioning our very sanity in heading up the Potomac to Washington DC in this
heat, but then the heat can make you go insane so there's the excuse for going.
Besides the thought of this boat having sat in a small boatyard on Hayling
Island for 4 years arriving in the very capital of the USA has a wonderful
appeal, a surreal moment that we really don't want to miss during our travels -
insane or not.
![]() St Michaels waterfront (see last blog)
![]() Screw pile lighthouse on display at the St Michaels
Maritime Museum. (See last blog)
![]() St Michaels - a view from our anchorage out into
the Miles River (see last blog)
![]() St Michaels - View of the 'Patriot' (ugly,
but endearing) which carries sightseers out into the Miles River. It broke down
full of
passengers whilst we were there !
![]() Solomons - The long boardwalk skirts the Patuxent
River. To the right is the only road into the resort.
![]() St Peter's - The oldest church in Solomans
Can't remember the denomination! Quaint though, with it's
stained glass window depicting a sailing
![]() High & Dry! One way to keep your 'yacht' safe
on the river. Popular with powerboaters this is the
first sailing boat we have seen
![]() In Solomans they like to paint their fire
![]() A bronze cast depicting a 'Chesapeake
Bugeye' sailing craft with the inscription
"A Memorial to those who fished the Bay and built
their Boats"
![]() Spring Cove Marina - lots of marinas offer bikes to
borrow or rent.
![]() The pool at Spring Cove (with the underwater
speakers) - very welcome on such a hot day. The pool bottom was
overnight by an automatic Hoover unit
that looked like K9 from Dr Who.
![]() We like to keep with the tradition of "Mad Dogs and
Englishmen go out in the midday sun"