November and the birth of the 'hard-top'

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Thu 20 Nov 2014 17:19
‘snow-bird’ season is now upon us. There is a constant stream of boats of all
shapes and sizes heading south down the ICW. Apparently, it is the same on
the roads as RV’s, also of all shapes and sizes, head south. A yearly migration
to escape the bitterly cold winters further north. In turn heralding the arrival
of weather ‘fronts’ further south as the hurricane season draws quietly to a
close (we hope). We’ve had a couple of these fronts already. Naturally
this is quite unusual! One bought bitterly cold biting north winds and the other
torrential rain for a whole day. These had everyone delving deep into lockers
for any form of warm clothing. One day shorts, t-shirt and flip flops the next
jeans, fleeces, socks and shoes. It really complicates the laundry
process. We even started the central heating. Both units worked fine
for a day. The starboard one then decided not to play and started flashing
all sorts of error messages. We all know that the resident engineer is now
on ‘hard top’ duties so that repair has been added to ‘the list’. Unless of
course it snows! Frost has been threatened for next week. Florida? Worst
weather for eight years they say!!!
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Our view from the cockpit, across the park to the Indian River – the
re-patched Coppercoat underneath and the primitive sink drainage via jerry
The yard has been busy with lots of comings and goings. There are
still quite a few of us finishing off projects. Others arrive for a quick
haul and ‘bottom’ paint. Some owners turn up after leaving their boats on the
hard for several months flit about removing awnings, putting on sails, the odd
polish, launch and they’re off. The more seasoned of us watch this with some
amusement as it just ain’t as simple as that. Many a trip south has been ruined
by poor preparation. Still, we would like to thank several of our very
good cruising friends who have taken the trouble to stop off in Titusville on
their way south to visit us. To catch-up, offer ‘project’ moral support
and to give us an excuse to take a break and have some fun. It is not always
easy to dinghy in and out from the mooring field especially when it is blowing
old boots and pouring with rain. We really appreciated it.
It seems that Titusville has now been voted Florida's most boring town! But
we would disagree. Since we’ve been here it has begun to show signs of perking
up a bit. It was hardly the towns fault that it suffered a recession as a
result of the end of the NASA space shuttle programme. There are lots of
empty business premises including a vast and slightly spooky shopping
mall. However, some enterprising folk are attempting to improve things.
The first Veterans Parade took place on the weekend before the 11th. We
went along with some visiting cruising pals and enjoyed the small but well
organised event. We’re sure it will attract more participants in the
future – the first of anything is always a gamble – Ajaya is hull No 1
and don’t we know it! More recently we queued with other fellow ‘Happy Hour’
enthusiasts for the grand opening of a ‘Micro’ Brewery. We’d watched it
take shape in an old hardware store building in the historic part of town.
The shop floor now contains all the brewing paraphernalia on one side and a long
almost western movie type bar on the other side. Besides glasses of ale for
those aficionados who knew what they wanted they also served a wooden tray of
samples, five in all, varying from nice light lager types to rocket fuel! The
crew of Ajaya took a shine to a citrusy little number that just
happened to be 8.8% on the Richter scale.
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The Titusville Fire Department – in kilts?
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Veterans on Harleys lead the parade – tiny American flags line the
A micro pic of the Micro Brewery.
The new bridge from Titusville across to Merritt Island and the nearby
parks and wildlife centres have also done a lot to attract people to the
place. The bridge, being the only ‘hill’ in the area, is good for walking
or jogging exercise. In the ‘Admirals’ case it takes about 45 minuets to cross
over and come back at a good walking pace. Faster or younger members of
the species can make the crossing several times and there are always plenty of
those. It’s also an interesting view and you never know what you may
We won’t be swimming in the Indian River – sunning it’s self on the
banks of the east side of the bridge about 6/7’ (couldn’t see the tail &
wasn’t going any closer!)
On a smaller scale we had an unwelcome visitor one morning as a squirrel
had the audacity to take a stroll around our deck, looking for nuts perhaps?
This wasn’t on and ‘Skip’ tiptoed outside to confront the intruder which merely
walked round to the other side of the deck out of sight. So the ‘Admiral’ joined
in forming a side deck pincer movement as the little rat with the cute fluffy
tail ran from one side to the other finding us advancing slowly towards it.
Finally it’s ‘flight sensors kicked in and it scampered over the coach roof
between us at top speed and down the rear steps to safety. It’s not been seen
since! Our friends had to replace all their in-boom running lines due to nesting
squirrels (very expensive) so we don’t tolerate their presence on the
![]() ![]() ![]() The yard from the west side of the bridge (one of those masts
to the right of the shed is ours). A ‘snow-bird’ passing underneath and
looking towards Merritt Island from the
It’s just as well there aren’t too many distractions or we’d never finish
the work. At last the patching of the Coppercoat underneath is complete.
The saildrive legs and props have been epoxied and coated. The gaiters
re-seated and anodes replaced. Just a final sand to activate the
Coppercoat prior to launch is required. Whilst epoxying stuff ‘Skip’ took it
upon himself to tidy up a tired looking cockpit locker lid. It was a sort
of laminated wood with ‘teak & holly’ effect which had faded. He duly
sanded, epoxied and painted it white (non-slip strips yet to be added). Looks
very nice. During this process the lid had to spend some time ‘down below’
drying. He’d warned the ‘Admiral’ several times not to fall into the gaping
hole. Well, after an evening out with some friends in a nearby hostelry sampling
more fish & chips we returned in the dark. ‘Admiral’ handed ‘Skip’ the
torch, missed the hole, unlocked the boat, went down to turn on the lights.
Before this sequence was completed there was an agonized squawk from the
cockpit. Yep, even holding a torch ‘Skip’ found the hole. A minor abrasion
joined the acid burns on his right forearm. We didn’t have plasters big enough
to cover the combined injuries so a large traditional crepe bandage type thing
was used to prevent dirt making things worse. Quite impressive actually,
bringing many sympathetic comments from other yard residents.
Designing, planning and collecting parts for the ‘hard-top’ have been
thwarted not only by weather but other little emergencies. Living on the
shore, in a boat, is not particularly easy. We have only the galley sinks
in use both of which drain into an old diesel canister and latterly a large
bucket. This is emptied daily into a special ‘dump’ tank which is way over
to the other side of the yard. We sort of ignored the fact that the sink was
getting slower to drain until it really didn’t drain at all. So that morning it
was off with the waste trap, no blockage, off with piece between there and the
next bend, no blockage, off with the bit to the plug ‘ole, no blockage.
Oh! well lets take the whole lot apart. Deposit all the contents of the
galley cupboards into the rear cabin which is already full of other ‘stuff’. Put
the plumbing all back together and it leaks. This is the ultimate 5 minute
job. By 5 o’clock one of the two sinks was usable – just. Never did find
the blockage. Seems that the pipe from the outlet under the boat to the canister
had created its own U bend, once shortened everything flowed smoothly
again. Still, we now have very clean galley waste pipes. Whilst on
the subject of the water system – the hot water tank that sprang a tiny pin hole
leak when we arrived was removed and has been residing under the boat ever
since. With a small section of its foam jacket cut away it has endured
periodic sandings and epoxyings. It doesn’t appear to leak anymore so the
next time ‘rain stops play’ outside it will be refitted.
![]() ![]() ![]() Shiny sail-drive prior to epoxy & Coppercoat & return
of prop....................................’sailing’ across the to hot water
As the ‘hard-top’ will have the last of the large solar panels on top
‘Skip’ had to make absolutely sure that it would not interfere with the
operation of the mainsail. So up very early before the breeze and on with
the sail retainer and the sail. Prior to that the green canvas sail
retainer had been lying, very much in the way, in the port hull. We did
know that there were a few missing stitches on the zip but on further inspection
realised the whole thing needed re-stitching again. (Note to anyone thinking of
sailing sunnier climbs – use UV resistant thread regardless of initial cost it
will be cheaper in the long run!) Luckily we found a very experienced guy
locally who was able to do the job immediately. The solar panel also has
to have wiring run to the controller – so down with the headlinings in the aft
cabin again to find a suitable route. At least the sail and its lengthy battens
are no longer taking up space down below.
Finally, we set off to buy the large extruded polystyrene sheets – commonly
used for house insulation. The bi-axial glass fibre glass matt and epoxy
resin had already been delivered to the marina office. If only the wretched Sea
Crows would stop splattering the deck with guano things would be looking
![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, he is on the phone but the people carrier was parked and
we did manage to get the doors closed! Off with the old canvas and on with the
![]() ![]() ![]() We didn’t realise that the panels were printed with
‘pink-panthers’ (will be painted) – that is a bread knife for trimming and that
is garden irrigation hose pipe being glued & screwed for a round
![]() ![]() ![]() We had to rig a ‘guano awning’ hence the shade of blue, on with
the mat, trim and epoxy....................................
Well, that is stage one. Lighting ducts are being added and the whole
thing has to be removed and glass fibred on the underside. Then the solar panel
has to be fitted, the old side window panels modified to fit, the lights fitted,
wiring run.........................Oh! and we have to get the boat ready for
sea? The ‘Admiral’ has seen some nice Christmas lights in the hardware