Leaving soon?

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Sun 5 May 2013 20:12
We've been out for some more delicious meals ashore this
past week, in fact our restaurant striking rate climbed from one a week to
three. We enjoyed another impromptu fish barbecue in Marina El Milagro
courtesy of an invite from David & Britta on Anam
Cara featuring some more of those delicious Red Snappers the
fishermen here seem to land with great regularity.
![]() ![]() Just how good can locally caught & cooked fish
...this good!!!
Then Thursday it was back to 'Soggy Peso' for
the 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' night with 'Killer Prawn
Ceviche' for the 'Admiral'. Then to round off the week's feasting
activities yesterday we went out for an anniversary dinner at
'Oscar's' which is another marina with restaurant attached situated
inside the protected inner lagoon. As the pics show 'Oscar's' has some
incredible seating for their guests seemingly carved out of one piece
of tree for each item of furniture. Well, it appeared that way but we were a few
drinks into the evening before we looked closely at the carvings. From a
distance the place looks like a scene from a horror movie featuring
man-eating furniture. Phil tried to shift his chair to squeeze his legs
under the table and was in danger of requiring another immediate hernia
procedure. Best not to try and re-arrange the furniture here. Steve kindly made
it a threesome for the meal and we enjoyed another evening 'chewing the fat'. As
well as celebrating six years of marriage it also doubled as
probably(?) our farewell meal with him. We'll miss our weekly get-togethers and
hope to meet up later in the year in the Bahamas.
![]() ![]() The Bride looking relaxed (almost) in the easy
chairs by the entrance, with Phil shoehorned into his lump of wood for the
![]() ![]() 'Chanticleer' in it's new dock in the lagoon
and Phil & Steve in a 'who's first to blink behind sunglasses'
Prior to yesterday evening we walked into town to stretch
our legs and buy a sombrero. Here it is.........obviously Mexican,
probably via China
![]() It wasn't for us of course but
![]() ![]() ......................one of the
ship's bears
Olay !!
Looks great on the little fellow but if the breeze
is blowing strongly through the cabin we've found he gets
blown over due to the windage caused by the sombrero's wide brim.
The equivalent size for a human would have a 6ft brim so it's
obviously a little oversized for a small bear. We may have to anchor him
down with a dive weight to stop him blowing away.
One other event of note this past week was the 'Admiral'
becoming entrapped in the ladies lavatory at the marina facilities at about 0630
one morning. Unfortunately the push button code locks become 'confused' when
not operated properly. This became a proven fact when two unknown persons
attempting to gain access from outside continually entered the code without
allowing the mechanism to go through it's unlocking phase. The mechanism finally
threw a wobbler and refused to respond to any code whatsoever both outside
and inside the premises. This left our beloved 'Admiral' stuck on the inside
calling for help whilst Phil slumbered peacefully back on the boat. The
security guard turned up at some point and directed the persons outside to an
alternate facility onsite which solved their dilemma but was unaware of the
inability of our 'Lady of the Bog' to open the door from the
inside. Finally some resolution to the problem was obtained courtesy of the
marina manager and his large crowbar. The lock was forced and now without
any doubt whatsoever no longer works.
When we originally arrived back in the marina from Grand
Cayman we noticed the marina Palapa was missing it's straw
roof. The new thatch has been stacked up waiting for the thatching
team to arrive. Well, they duly turned up on the windiest day of the year so far
which had the not too unpredictable result of straw blowing downwind into all
the boats with open hatches. Our neighbours who were in direct line of the straw
storm shut down and start their air conditioning. The team gave up after a
few hours and returned when there was marginally less wind to continue the job.
And it's still not finished! But this is Mexico of course.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Day
still day
1 Day
2 Day
3 & now they are on holiday for 2 days
We've had some really crazy weather over the past few days
beginning last Wednesday when Isla Mujeres was hit by a major thunderstorm with
winds to 50 knots. This system had been forecast to arrive the
following day but these systems are so unpredictable. The humidity was
through the roof and the sky darkened as the storm approached near dusk. Then
the light show started with impressive cloud to cloud and more dangerously
cloud to ground lightening all over the area. Then the squall arrived like a
banshee and it blew old boots for two or three hours. Actually it blew old
flip flops as we found out the next morning that one of Phil's was missing from
the foredeck where they were parked (stupid boy). The left flop (or is that
flip) is now pining for his mate which is probably enjoying life floating gaily
along in the Gulf Stream with a million others before eventually
washing up on a beach somewhere. We'll keep the left one - just in case
Phil becomes a latter day Long John Silver! A few boats just across from us in
the marina fared much worse in the storm having valuable instrumentation wiped
out by lightening strikes. Boats in the anchorage were dragging in the high
winds. Crews were risking a direct hit on themselves as they struggled to
gain control and avoid collisions with other craft. It was chaotic for a few
hours and we considered ourselves lucky to have only lost a small
Interesting curved white cloud line at top of pic with growing thunderheads
lower down
Then a frontal system hit us on Thursday from the northwest
which is not a good direction for any of the boats either anchored in the outer
lagoon or in any of the marinas in the general area. Once again boats were on
the move although this time the lightening storm was more over the mainland.
Generally there was little damage done. One couple whose boat is moored in
the marina adjacent to us had to take a room ashore for the night. They
couldn't get back onboard their boat due to the waves coursing through the
marina causing their monohull to buck wildly. However, it's all due to
settle down in the next day or so and we can look closely at escaping Isla and
making a run for Florida. Monday or Tuesday looks favourite although
knowing the weather in this area we are not holding our
breath. |