Light at the end of a very long tunnel

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Fri 13 Feb 2015 16:22
To be honest there was nothing of real interest to report in January. When
the weather didn’t allow progress with outside work things were repaired inside.
A lot of mess was made and not much clearing up. Our position in the yard has
its advantages in the summer months when you’d want a cooling breeze. But
during these continuous cold fronts coming down the east coast or over from the
west it has been bitterly cold at times – and only in our part of the
However, the ‘hard top’ is now on, not finished but on the boat where it
should be. (Was that a fan fare we heard?) And, by the time this is posted we
just maybe in the water where we can finish the rest of the jobs. (Was that
another fan fare?) If nothing else untoward happens we could be on our way by
the end of the month. (Yes - it was a fan fare).
The evolving ‘hard top’ is best explained in pictures:
![]() ![]() ![]() The much admired ‘hard-top’ on trestles next to the boat whilst
we reassemble the stainless steel frame – two friends help raise the ‘hard-top’
into position
![]() ![]() ![]() From all angles – the top is painted, the underneath primed,
the unprimed areas will be covered by the so called ‘light box’. The whole thing
is through bolted to the frame. Scary
![]() ![]() ![]() Somewhere behind all that hair an extra stainless steel support
is being fitted to also carry the wires for the lights. The ‘light box’ on the
ground, the blue bits are masking tape holding in the lenses, green oval is the
hand made switch panel and finally the canvas sides are refitted after cutting
out the old canvas that was the bimini top.
It doesn’t stop there – one of the main reasons this ‘hard-top’ was ever
dreamed up was to house the last of the large solar panels. It has been
living a life of luxury in the port hull getting very much in the way and biting
toes. You can safely say that if you need something from a cupboard the
panel would be in the way. Now its time has
![]() ![]() ![]() You are making what? Four of them all needing filling and
faring. To go where? And a long piece to stop the boom accidently landing on the
solar panel. (Can you hear the ‘Admiral’ loosing the will?)
![]() ![]() ![]() After checking the tensioning of the side panels the canvas was
wrapped & glued (strong stuff) in the howling wind. The black wire is the
solar panel wire which goes down that upright and through the deck. ‘Light-box’
in position & epoxied on to underside giving strength. All the lights work!
The mosquitos like them too – Hmm. An interesting caravan spotted in the park
from our boat! Home made as well perhaps?
All the other jobs are gradually getting done. We eventually bit the
bullet and bought two new hot water tanks. The repaired one still works
but we were concerned that it would fracture in another spot when the really hot
water from the engines started to circulate. To avoid any major rebuilding
in the engine bay we decided to buy the replacements from the UK from the
original supplier who offered us that ‘goodwill’ discount. We ordered them
on a Monday, they were dispatched on the Tuesday and we were amazed when they
arrived on the Thursday. What excellent service from both the supplier,
Jabsco-Xylem and the courier, UPS. We actually took the time to e-mail and
thank the guy we had been dealing with. We are not so impressed with a rope
supplier from whom we ordered a replacement halyard. The postal system here has
reduced rates if you use their packaging. Which the guy does. The
boxes, cartons or whatever must not be over filled so as to cause the packaging
to tear or split. The full cost is charged if it does. It had not been delivered
and we received a note to say it was at the post office. So our good friend
offered to pick it up as she was going that way. We ended up being charged
the full amount as the package exceeded the Post Office specifications. Several
heated e-mail exchanges later ‘Skip’ is going to use the Paypal arbitration
service to try and resolve the dispute. It wasn’t the amount but the attitude of
the guy he was dealing with at (don’t laugh) ‘Tarzan Ziplines’ whose online
feedback was surprisingly good.
![]() ![]()
The two new tanks currently residing in the hull where the solar
panel was – something else to trip over in the on board
One morning we did pause work, along with nearly everyone else, to watch a
catamaran being launched. Not an unusual event by any means but this was
slightly different. Most of the boats here can be lifted in and out by the
on site travel hoist which uses slings. The wider catamarans have to hire
a crane. Normally when a catamaran is lifted by crane the operator uses spreader
bars to ensure the strops do not put undue stress on the hulls. The owner
of this boat knew exactly how he wanted it done having consulted the designer.
After all our years working in boat yards we had never seen a catamaran lifted
like this.......
![]() ![]()
Each of the four strops had another strop which then went round the
bow and stern of each individual hull – novel
Our cooking gas finally ran out earlier than expected despite consuming
endless salads. Luckily we had a small amount in an old Camping Gas bottle which
lasted for a few days. A good Samaritan has lent us an American gas bottle until
we get back from the Bahamas with full English ones. We still had to buy a
new regulator as our UK device does not fit the USA thread – no surprise there!
But no bad thing really as the English bottles are now old and should be
re-tested or retired. Yet another change to consider when we get back. The
electrics are gradually changing as we adapt to the power supplies. Every
time we plug something in we have to remember what we are running – 110, 220 or
12 volts – thank goodness the computers have got their own transformers!
And finally another example of the power of the internet. ‘Skip’ was
down below working on the ‘hard-top’ one day when he heard a voice he
recognized. It was an ex-work colleague we’d not seen for over 30 years -
from our first careers in the book trade. He’d heard our surname somewhere which
caused him to wonder what had happened to us. On searching the internet he
came across this blog. Well he has been living in Orlando for the last 13
years. Seeing that we were in Titusville he jumped in his car on the off
chance and paid us a surprise visit. Good job he did see the blog as
‘Skip’ had short dark hair and a full set all those years ago! (Great to see you
again Alan!)
POSTSCRIPT – After 5 months and 8 days ‘Ajaya’ was re-launched on
Thursday 12th February. ‘Skip’ thought it was not prudent to launch on Friday
13th! The work continues!!!