"We've not had a hurricane in Titusville for ten years"!!!!!

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Tue 11 Oct 2016 16:09
So say the locals. Well they’ve had another one now. Matthew stormed past
Cape Canaveral, itself just 12 miles away from Ajaya as a Category 3
with wind speeds in the eye wall measured at 100 knots.
We’d been tracking Matthew on the internet from the UK since it was a small
yellow cross on the NOAA charts out in the Atlantic. The cross, which wasn’t
named at that time, was much further south than most of the disturbances that
start off the African coast. It entered the Caribbean some way to the south,
strengthening all the time, giving the Dutch Antilles (ABC Islands) a slap
before suddenly turning 90 degrees to the north. Strengthening, it clobbered
eastern Jamaica before heading for the Windward passage which separates Haiti
from Cuba. We all know the results of it’s impact on those poor people of both
countries. Then it was the turn of the Bahamas. Islands we know so well. We felt
for the residents of Long Island – it’s second hurricane in two years. More
destruction to have to cope with. All this time, watching the 5 day NOAA
tracking website we were aware that Titusville’s ten year hiatus from major
hurricanes was in danger of ending. Ajaya was stored ashore needing to
cope with any effects from the storm without us.
It’s no exaggeration to admit that we were both sick to our stomachs with
the fear of what would unfold with us helplessly stuck 5000 miles away. Nights
of broken sleep, thoughts of our new hardtop taking off into the yard with it’s
solar panel still attached. The boat itself being blown off the blocks she is
sitting on causing massive damage to the keels and bulkheads. Or even sliding
off the blocks across the yard and destroying another boat in its path. The
dinghy breaking loose with its outboard engine battering the aft deck to
destruction held just by the chain it’s secured with. And even imagining the
marina deeply flooded with, god forbid, alligators and cottonmouth snakes
swimming around looking for something or someone to exact revenge on. On a more
lighthearted moment the vision of grey squirrels clinging horizontally by their
front paws to palm trees in 120mph winds came to mind. Yes, once the imagination
cranks up a notch there’s no telling what will spew forth from our ageing
So we flew back to Orlando last Saturday 8th two days after Matthews visit
to see for ourselves exactly what had transpired and how Ajaya had
coped with such conditions. Yes, we now know she is still exactly where we left
her. Hooray!! Our dear friends over here, themselves fearful of what Matthew
would do to their own boat, selflessly climbed up on Ajaya several
times to address any last minute concerns. We didn’t actually ask them to check
for gators and snakes after the storm, but we may have done had the waters risen
as predicted. They then would have known what they have probably suspected for a
long time - that we had well and truly lost our marbles with all the worry. But
Ajaya will live to see another day afloat, another Bahamian sunset,
another thrashing fish brought onboard and evenings shared with friends sitting
in the cockpit chewing over the cruising life. She lives on – bless
We’ll post some pics when we have a moment.