day 36

Thu 11 Jun 2015 16:17

49:29.921n 21:34.140w


Distance to home:  868 miles


Distance run today:  36 miles  


Course 075


A plumber, a banker and a student decide to sail across the Atlantic, five weeks in they realise the crew they were really after was a rigger, a mechanic and a meteorologist!





Firstly, Apologies for the short blog yesterday we were having power issues as the wind had died so we decided to use least laptop power as possible. This weather never ceases to amaze!


We had a rope caught round our prop for a few days, the GoPro came into its own again as we lowered it over the side underwater and from the live feed it gives via wifi to the iPad, we were able to confirm our suspicions. Yesterday as the seas calmed Wills jumped over board to cut it free, after his recent ice shower he knew what was coming so managed to squeeze into Tim’s thin shorty wetsuit for a bit of ‘warmth’, it was still a shock nonetheless.


Tim and Jez tackled the bog yesterday to strip down and grease the pump and also give it a deep clean. The bog is another real hero of this trip having coped with three blokes for five weeks. We have a rule that if anybody breaks it they have to fix it which thank god, so far hasn’t been applied.


Wills had a moment of madness yesterday and discussed at length with Jez a topic for his dissertation, notes were written and a rough guide for a proposal has formed! His degree in Outdoor Education allows him to explore all kinds of outdoor sports, so writing 12,00 words on ballooning is 100% legitimate!


An inventory has been made of the remaining stock and we have made a menu of evening meals and options for lunches too. Our list of luxuries includes two and a half bars of chocolate, half a pack of bourbons, no wait….a quarter of a pack….., a whole pack of custard creams, three tins of fruit, one tin of carnation milk, seven cartons of fruit juice, a crate of beer and plenty of rum! These might not all sound like luxuries to you but the simple things keep us going on board Sadie from time to time.


We have been efficient with our use of water as well. On Sunday will be four weeks since we left Bermuda and we are yet to empty our 205 litre tank. We use the water purely for drinking and cooking, all washing up, laundry and showers are done using salt water. I wonder if every first world country lived on half as efficient as us for a month how much fresh water we would save….




Yesterday we sailed close hauled at about 4 knots with the wind coming form ESE, the wind died in the evening and we dropped all the sail as the sea calmed and spent the night drifting on a mirror smooth sea until 7am when there was enough breeze to fill the poled out genoa.


At half ten this morning we furled the genoa and set the spinnaker out, since then the wind has slowly been building from the South West, (The one direction we have been praying for the whole trip!) we are currently doing 5.5 knots and heading straight for home with a forecast of decent wind for the next couple of days.



Natural History


A tern spent an hour this morning perched on the pulpit while Jez played about with the genoa and was determined to stay there even while he was swinging the pole about.


As we get closer to home we continue to tow our fishing lure but are unsure as to what would be best choice for these waters, perhaps a smaller hook and lure would be more realistic but for now we have stayed with the ‘big boy’, all suggestions are welcome…



Today’s Responses


Mum – Nice to hear you are back seeing Alex as I know she went quiet for a while, have you stuck with the same hair colour? Any important post for me at home ie. Uni stuff? You’re right about final port but the boat is being kept at Tollesbury. Hope you had a nice time with Jonathan xxxx


Tom – You love being busy so enjoy all that! Still haven’t got round to working out the highest possible number of chicken nuggets, it seems ridiculously hard to work out, not too sure what you mean by COA but no Tom we are not stopping in Ireland haha and yes too early to know an ETA.


Em – Sorry, just but ran out of time.  Grumpy last night though when bobbing about.  Now moving and fine.  Ireland off limits – prefer Adnams to Guinness.  Power still on ? 


Do you go to the Red Dog café in Innworth ? – Tim says it’s run by an Aussie (or Kiwi) ex-Olympic cyclist


Lizzie – Yes please, I’ll have a batch.


Harvey – No skull and crossbones but may turn into one if we have to ration food.  Plenty of grog though.


Jason – Welcome back.  We’re not getting that at all.  Think we are too far west at the mo.


Richard and Baz  - keep them coming


Cathy ,Emily and Alex  - well done on TT Emily and bet your all looking forward to Portugal xxxxxxxxx



Bye for now

