Day 6

Thu 28 Nov 2013 17:04
23:04.145n 22:22.607w
Distance to Antigua       2249 miles
Distance Run today       95 miles
Sailing update 
We spoke yesterday about getting round the "dead spot" with no wind.  As a plan this worked until about midnight and since then we have pretty much failed, with light airs from the SW.  We do however, have an engine and it has been working to push us SW at about 3 knots which is our most economical speed. 
We overheard some chatter on the VHF about weather and joined in having thought ourselves to be alone in a big wide sea.  We spoke to a very nice Scandi couple on a boat called Windsurf (or something similar) and another called Starchaser. Chris  - can you look them up on the ARC site and let us know what boats they are (size etc) and when they left .  It turns ot we are back amongst some of the ARC fleet and they have been popping up over the horizon this morning.  It's nice to have company !
This led to some debate about whether it's normal to have company out here.  We are after all about 300 miles out into the Atlantic and there are heaps of variables about where boats would go.  Our version of events is that there are probably about 200 boats out here and that the likely area for them to be in is about 100 miles by 100 miles, so about 10 000 sqare miles and 50 square miles per boat.  Our maximum circle of vision is about 8 miles so we can see ~ 64 square miles ( we were bored, but not bored enough to use pye !).  On that basis we now expect to see boats all the time ... but as we type we appear to be alone again.
The wind is just picking up and we are on the verge of sailing again - the peace and quiet will be welcome if it happens.
Engine on and a calm sea ( a one point this morning it was genuinely "mirror flat" ) has given the opportunity to do a number of jobs.  Tim has hauled his way 40 feet to the top of the mast to repair the windex and Jez has serviced and cleaned the bog. ( Em, I can already hear you so don't bother sending that particular text)
Yesterday was a sorry chapter in our fishing story.  We hooked a fish at the worst possible time with the  boat travelling at 7 knots and a fish going the other way, Jez got hands on to the rod but as his kids will tell anyone, he is a rubbish fisherman.  Result - lost fish and lure ( Not one of yours Dave Smart).  In the spirit of all such - it was clearly a huge 90lb tuna !  Ricky and Tim have now been re-energised as fishermen and the cockpit has been full of gear as they prep, test and set the lures.
Ricky and Jez were in the cockpit at 8 this morning when Jez saw a shark fin 2 metres away from the boat.  The shark then resurfaced with half a dozen of his mates.  They were in fact a herd (pod ?) of small, black dolphins and they stayed around us for about 5 minutes. We were so excited that we failed to grab a camera but hope they will be back to give us the chance.
We are once again challenged by the Spanish shopping.  Tim is baking an Oreo cake mix and is asking Jez and Ricky to translate the instructions about oven temp and timings from Spanish.  Whatever finally appears it is currently filling the boat with a brilliant smell. 
Our previous Spanish question "what are we eating" has been answered.  Thanks Claire (sort of) - We have a few tins of "fake baby eels" made of surimi fish protein paste like they use for crabsticks.  We still think they taste good and they remain on the menu.
Todays responses starts with a moan - Wolves escape from Colchester zoo and several have to be shot  How can it be that only one of our readers (and we know of at least 10!) thinks that this is newsworthy for 3 men stuck on a boat for 3 weeks :-)
Lizzie R - for shouting at us by text to ask where the blog was.  Sorry darling, hope you got it before bedtime.
Dave Smart - thanks, we now know we have Madeiran Storm Petrels for company.  Ellis, not sure they are true seabirds but they could have been migrating i suppose.
Sam and Wendy - Fishing will eventually come good and all's well
Gav Moore / Adam Berry - Glad to know you are out there and keeping the company afloat.
Joe R - You can send me the twistabout instructions and we will play to your rules.
Harv R - More guitar practise and wash your feet !
Em - I'm sure we can spend it (Great news and roll on 50).  And Karel's, neices, boyfriend - do we know what boat ?  It's a bit weird to be getting realtime gossip about ARC boats and their crews but hopefully they are in the patch of sea that we are in now and not the bit that we are heading towards in search of more wind. 
Chris - Thanks for the arc info and hope the deerhound is under control. We have been smiling at your text to say that Kafoe (your ridgeback) flushed and caught a muntjac with Jan in tow.  It sounds messy and we think hunting with dogs has been banned   Looks like you fish as effectively as us.