Day 11

Thu 11 Jul 2013 09:43
35:47.5n 15:21.5w
Good Morning All !!
Well what a 24 hours we have had!
No fish, No sea-life, Not a single ship for the
last four days in fact, NOTHING! (At this point, please don't be tempted to not
read on, as it will grip you all the same I'm sure)
We have been sailing since 7am yesterday which is
great, not our fastest 24 hours but certainly more peaceful than the last.
We are now under 200nm from Madeira yet another
milestone reached on our trip,
As per usual for the last week, we incurred the
night time silly talk from foreign vhf users, the French, Spanish, Portuguese
and Moroccan's have all annoyed us but begun to entertain us with their night
time farmyard animal noises and taste of music blaring over the radio to the
point at which last night we were all just LOLing (laughing out loud) at how
ridculous it is and that no one stops them!
For the first time last night we used the curtains
in the cabin to try and help those that get their heads down at 10pm to get some
sleep (this is big news).
Onto to Food, Lunch yesterday was a simple yet
tasty cheese sandwich and a cold beer. Cheese sandwiches something which I
personally used to hate so much my parents would give it to me as a punishment
for being naughty, after playing up in a carpet store with my brother Tom once,
when we got home we had cheese sandwiches and water for lunch and had to get
into our pyjamas for the rest of the day. Now with a spread of mayonaise is
fairly pleasant! (yes, you did just read a paragraph about a cheese
Bread making continued as I made my best bloomer to
date yesterday and I hand the batten back over to Tim today! I am looking
forward to testing my new skills at uni!
For dinner we were invited, once again, to
experience one of Tim's excellent cullinary masterpieces, tuna in a tomato sauce
with pasta, the secret ingredient being pesto! This morning we have had boiled
egg on some thick slices of previous days loaf, where I discovered you can't
really just drop the eggs into the pan as they will crack but have to use a
spoon, nevermind there were no complaints.
As the fridge has gradually emptied so we have been
able to stock it up with beers from the bildges, making our life that little bit
more pleasant, there are still 1 to 2 portions of chicken in the fridge which
are holding the pizza making at bay, lets hope we dont eat all the cheese in
those delicious sandwiches hey!
Over night the choice of snack was anonymously
changed from swiss roll to bourbons, a change that is not discussed but simply
approved and appreciated when you wake up to do one of your night shifts!
And that my fellow bloggers is how you fill a
blog after a rather quiet 24 hours where nothing other than actual living
Quote of the Day:
"The best noise in all the world is the rattle of
the anchor chain when one comes into harbour at last and lets it go over the
bows" Hilaire Belloc
Shout Outs:
From Tim: To all the
guys at Chandlers and my customers many of whom I know are
From Woody (thats me Wills) - To the lads at home
in Essex and Suffolk, Greg, Tay, Mike, Owen in Oz, Laura in Malaysia and Gemma
who doesn't live in either of them counties!