Day 23

Sun 15 Dec 2013 17:42
Distance to
Antigua 695 miles
Run today 154 miles
Course 290
Speed 5.5 kts
Sailing update Very exciting day.
Chris told us yesterday that we should expect a brief lull today (sunday)
and then a return to the 25 knots gusting 30 that we have got used
to. Hooray we thought. A little R and R then back to it.
Chris does a fine job providing info on weather and other boats in our area
but today's lull has just set in at 4pm after a night and day of 30 knot winds,
gusts to lord knows what, steep vicious seas and a bunch of other stuff
that is out to remind us that we are on an adventure not a holiday.
The climax of our day was at 2.30 when we got cocky and were hand
steering for extra speed in order to surf down the waves. Our current
record speed is 17.9 knots but in achieving this we managed a broach and filled
the cockpit to the brim with the Atlantic ocean.
Once a day is enough for this sort of thing so we have reefed the headsail,
put Monty back on duty and are thinking about our stomachs instead of
That said, we are pleased with our 150 + mile day and are all
Ricky, in particular is turning into Ben Ainslie before our eye's ( He
(Ben) gets Jez's vote for SPOTY tonight by the way) and is putting his motor
cycle racing skills and mindset to a new speed objective.
We put quite a bit of water into the boat with our broach but eveything is
now back where it belongs and dry.
We are now hoping for a gentle night to eat a good meal of spicy pork and
pasta at the table and get some sleep without the need for lots of sail
work.We still have another tollesbury ham and our frozen tuna without
resorting to pizza and tinned food.
Todays loaf is not our best but given the conditions it will do.
Natural History.
Big day on the nature front. As we were storming down wave fronts we
passed a turtle going the other way. It was abot 3 feet across and looked
unhappy. We think we may have hit it on our way past.
Birds are starting to turn up. A new sort of big black wave skimmer (
not really been close enough for a detailed description yet) and more of the
white birds with the streamer tail. Dave and Richard are
both suggesting a red billed tropic bird for this. And are both
commenting on a very poor Ashes for England.
Todays responses:
Em - it's clearly cheap. Talk to the man.
Chris - yes, we think we have all yor texts and we act on them. We
have called the nearest boat from your updates but the distances / waves are too
great and we have not spoken to nor seen anyone for 5 days. Keep them
coming please.
Dave - Rum close - Christmas Ale sounds good though.
Granny Rowles - good that all's well.
Lizzie - save me a chocolate !
Joseph - 2 goals great. Buy sweets with tooth money to celebrate
Harvey - Good stuff and great defending
Lizzie - See that you are camping out at Faye's
Sadie |