We're off! Arbella leaves St. Georges!

Wallace's Sailing Adventure on "Arbella"
Mike and Vicki Wallace
Fri 25 Jun 2021 19:01
32.22.8 N   64.40.8 W    6/24/21  This is Henry... Yesterday, 6/23/21 Mom and I went to Tobacco Beach, which was a beautiful lagoon with fish and coral.  We woke up, and started the day off with Nick's wonderful British breakfast of Bangers n' Beans. After that, we provisioned Arbella and went into town to get last minute things. At around 11:45, we departed St. Georges through the narrows and parallelled Bermuda's South side. Almost immediately, we put up the sails, and started sailing.  We had wind at 10-12 knots and we sailed wing on wing for almost 16 hours before changing course to head northeast. I felt a little sick at first, but after 3 hours or so, I felt significantly better. Everyone took watch during the day, and we all sat in the cockpit mostly the whole day. During Mom's watch, we saw the moon rise over the horizon. It was larger than usual and had an orange-ish color. I had watch at 1 am with Poppi followed by Will and I was really tired the whole time. I dozed off a couple times.  Will and I saw a boat on the radar at 2:15 am and started tracking it. When my watch ended, I staggered to the Bow cabin, flopped onto my bed and I fell asleep.
