Start the “Arbella Bermuda Passage”... ABP Day 1

Wallace's Sailing Adventure on "Arbella"
Mike and Vicki Wallace
Tue 15 Jun 2021 15:14
From: Isabella Wallace <issysw1 {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com>
Date: June 15, 2021 at 7:05:02 AM EDT
To: arbella+diary-630421 {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
Subject: Start the “Arbella Bermuda Passage”... ABP Day 1
We started our journey at 12:22 leaving Cedarstone dock, but not before we took some great photos of the crew and then Nani, Poppi, and the kids. The crew consists of Poppi (Mike), Nick, Jim, Shawn, Alex, Nate, and Issy. On Sunday we did a preparation sail to make sure everything worked. Today we are starting the sail down the bay with calm waters and heading right into the wind, so we had to motor. The day has been made up with many naps and lots of reading. Also we take turns on watch to make sure we don’t run into anything and stay clear of the bigger ships. Last night we had 30 knot winds and waves crashing into the cockpit. Every once in a while we would hit a big wave and the water would spray at us. Even through we had a very wet night the sky was so pretty to look. We were able to see the big dipper and a crescent moon. We had a couple of sick crew mates, but most of us were able to not get sick. Today we rolled into Little Creek Virginia Beach, VA to refuel.
From Issy Wallace