End of Day 1!

Wallace's Sailing Adventure on "Arbella"
Mike and Vicki Wallace
Wed 27 May 2015 20:46
21:53.0 N 66:33.5 W As Day 1 draws to a close, we have logged in 198 miles….the magic objective of a "good passage" on "Arbella" is a series of "200 mile days"…so we were very close. Conditions are easing with steady 10 knot winds, no squalls, and conditions to motor sail, with the mainsail and staysail fully deployed on a "close reach", starboard tack, averaging about 8.4 knots! While we will be very vigilant about fuel consumption, we now have confidence that it should not be an issue…we will certainly get to the Bay entrance, and, if needed, we can duck into Little Creek for fuel before the final 125 mile, 18 hour passage "up the Bay" to Annapolis. Last night, just before sunset, we were joined by a medium sized dolphin who came within 10 feet of the boat….he had "eyes on" us…did some jumps to check us out…and then moved on! Sunset was picture perfect….as Vicki says….another "original panting by the Grand Master, never to be repeated or seen again". The day was a lazy day as everyone adjusted to the rhythm of a passage…4 hours on and 6 hour off is our routine, with five of us doing staggered watches so that you are with two different crew in your 4 hour "dual watch"….the day time gets a little more relaxed! As the photos show, we have two great "ukulele" players….in fact…we had two performers to an audience of one, "Puller". And then came another great dinner by Paul who is not only 1st Mate, but also Galley Chief on this passage. The last 24 hours have had high temperatures below decks…likely in the high 90's and humid…with rolling…so tonight we are running the generator and the air conditioning (even though that burns precious fuel) to give the crew an opportunity for a few hours of pleasant sleep! And so it goes….