San Blas Islands Again - another bay another day..

Nusquama Sailing Blog
Sun 28 Jan 2024 15:58
We had 4 beautiful anchorages on the amazing archipelago - all exquisite and we could easily have spent more time here. We started on the east with Coco Banderos, then moved to Central Holandes Cays, then to East Lemmon Cays and finally to Chichime. We gradually became more confident with navigating amongst the reefs but the one time we did try to go deep into one of the lagoons using the waypoints provided by Bauhaus we retreated fairly quickly as we were being blown off course as we didn’t have our centreboard down.

The islands still feel remote although there are plenty of boats - there are no charter boats though. You can take a day trip from Panama which is not that far away but at night everyone goes home and it returns to paradise again. There was the odd bar, like Ibin’s at Holandes - he said he is going to create a mini-Maldives so we were very happy to have got to his bar early in its development.

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