Stafford Ironman 70.3 - 46:19.539N 17:05.403W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Sat 9 Jun 2018 11:20
All in all I’m making steady if poor progress, I woke to some useful wind this morning but its reducing hour by hour. 63 miles yesterday so I think I’ve set a low expectation today which I may equally fail to meet. Still, I’m safe, I’m out of any storms (for now), in good health and for the moment all systems are working so I’m thankful for what I’ve got.
However, I'm keeping an eye on a humdinger of a storm which is to my left which I’m hoping will progress further north.
Last night, I was really pretty down with it all and knowing that the weather was relatively stable for the next 24 hours and with full confidence in my AIS, after a number of nights huddled in the cockpit, at 7.30pm I got undressed and into bed. I failed to set my alarm. I slept solid for 12 hours and I think the last few days had taken it out of me.
Dreams where particularly vivid and there was one particular dream where the days at sea had became years and I was expecting to be at sea for a further 7 or 8 years - which might yet happen!…...'what happened to Ben, they will say’, 'oh he’s still out there making steady progress he says….'
Sorry no photo and too be honest I will have to send separately on the my return, the reason being they use up a lot of my iridium phone hours and over the last few days I've used up more than expected down loading various weather maps and I'm keen to keep as much back as I can for emergencies.
All for now