Blog for today day 52 Monday 15:49.89N 31:35.61W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Mon 27 Nov 2017 15:30
Hello, thought I'd give a quick update….. Well after 5 days of little and no wind today I’ve got some today and I’m hurtling along at 4.5 to 5 knots (which is good for Wandering Star for winds of 12 to 15 knots) and hopefully I’ve got this wind for the next few days although I need to balance my impatience to go west with the need to stick a little further south to keep the wind on my side. What I will probably do is go west during the day then tack and keep a little further south during the night. All systems operating well, although I need to watch my fuel as to keep batteries charged even though I have solar panels still requires an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening of the engine running. Now the wind has picked up I can use the windvane again and this helps reduce the power consumption. I will need about 40 hours of engine running time and some left over when I get to Antigua so I’m watching that carefully. I think I’ve got more than enough but monitoring it daily now. Water again I’m watching carefully but have 100 litres left. Regarding food, starting to get down to the dregs a bit now, sweets gone, fresh fruit gone, biscuits finished. Ive got a few treats left, 3 cans of coke, a tin of pineapple, two litres of mango juice….think that's about it as far a treats but plenty of pasta so won’t go hungry. Couple of pics the first is a reflection of me in the sea….it shows how still the Atlantic around me was yesterday not a ripple on it as far as the eye could see and I was able to see my reflection in it….in the middle of the Atlantic. Th other is a poor flying fish that jumped on deck during the night. They are amazing creatures and I can watch them for hours skimming across the sea. They actually fly unlike other fish that jump these fish fly amazing distances maybe two or three hundred meters. They jump to escape predators and are able to change direction in flight, hence they never land on deck during the day but at night they can’t see where they are jumping and the unfortunate fellow below happened to land on my boat, of all the bad luck and he was there this morning when I woke up. |