11 days to go - 42:40.774N 23:27.790W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Mon 4 Jun 2018 13:15
Making steady progress, possibly only one more Monday for me at sea…total of 364 miles completed (day1 96, day2 76, day3 95, day4 97) so approx 36 miles behind my target of 100 a day. So at an average of 90 miles a day and approx 950 miles to go its about 11 days sailing so possible arrival at Brixham 14/15 June.
I had better start remembering what I do for a real job……hang on…..I've forgotten what I did…….I think I did something with submarines…..s**t what did I do, I can’t remember….programme management or something….no its gone, I think I wrote it down somewhere in case I forgot….but I can’t remember where…..
…where did I leave it….oh know my blinking has started again….and my twitch has come back…